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live Workshop

Aktuell gibt es nur Einzeltermine für ein 2stündiges 1:1 Coaching. Für ein kostenloses Kennenlerngespräch schreib mir gerne eine Mail!

I have great news for you!


I think nowI've been thinking for a long time about how I can offer you an intuitive painting workshop via zoom. And now the time has finally come. Below you can register for the live painting workshop.


Why is?


It's about the joy that you can bring deeply and sustainably into your life through the creative process. Above all, however, it's about taking action, because that's where the biggest hurdles always come up. And of course, as always, it's all about your intuition!


Questions like:


What do I need?

what should i paint

What if I do something wrong?

How can I use which techniques?

How can I listen to my intuition more again?


Questions that often make you skip a beat, right? In this workshop you will find answers!


How will the workshop be structured?


Duration: approx. 3 hours

Participants: max. 8

Bonus: shopping list, workbook

Medium: Zoom

Costs: 89 euros incl. VAT.

Dates: February 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - FULLY BOOKED!

or 3 March 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - PLACES STILL AVAILABLE

(postponed from March 1, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.)


And if you've known me for a while, you'll know that this isn't about bluntly copying, nor about meeting any particular expectation.


First and foremost, I want to be there for you so that you can finally get into your intuitive creativity! AND: I want to take away your fears and answer all your questions while you paint!


We will get in the mood for painting together and I will give you a few important onesShare things I've learned.


Then I will show you my intuitive "techniques" and everything you should pay attention to.


Throughout your painting process, I will be there to help you or answer any questions.


Afterwards we will turn to the most important insights and questions and strengthen you so that you can continue to draw on your creativity in the future.


Then you have taken the most important and biggest step:

you have started and thus overcome your biggest hurdle!


A great feeling, PROMISE!


In addition to the most important DOS and DON'TS, the workbook contains my 7 SOS tips for when you get stuck.


After you have completed your participation, you will also receive a 10% voucher for my online course MALGLÃœCK or for 1:1 coaching if you want to get even deeper into painting or work on specific topics.


I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person. 





Unterschrift Christin

Kontakt aufnehmen

Vielen Dank!


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