Art series
Meine Kunst ist in verschiedene Serien unterteilt, jede mit einem tieferen Hintergrund – inspiriert von meinen eigenen Erfahrungen, unterstützenden Botschaften oder Kunstwerken, die zum Reflektieren einladen und Mut, Zuversicht und Freude vermitteln. Obwohl meine Kunstserien teilweise sehr unterschiedlich sind, verfolgen sie alle das Ziel, Freude und Bewusstsein in mein Leben und das Leben anderer zu bringen.
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Entdecke die Vielfalt meiner Kunst und lass dich inspirieren!


Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.
Reflections eine künstlerische Erkundung der inneren und äußeren Welten, die uns umgeben und formen. Diese Serie ist eine Einladung, über unsere eigene Identität, unsere Erfahrungen und die Welt um uns herum nachzudenken.
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.
Willkommen in meiner Kunstserie "...And I´m Feeling Good" – eine farbenfrohe Reise durch die Tiefen des positiven Denkens und des inneren Wohlbefindens. Jede Leinwand in dieser Serie ist ein Ausdruck von Lebensfreude, Zuversicht und der unerschütterlichen Kraft, das Gute in jeder Situation zu erkennen.

I AM ...
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.
Diese Serie bringt nicht nur eine kraftvolle Dynamic in dein Zuhause, sie erinnert dich auch auf wunderschöne und präsente Art an das, was dir wichtig ist.
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.

Bewusstsein verändert nicht nur den eigenen Horizont, sondern auch immer die ganze Welt, die man sieht.
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.
"Flexibilität ist die Kunst, sich dem Fluss des Lebens hinzugeben und mit Gelassenheit und Neugier auf die ständigen Veränderungen zu reagieren."
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.

"Das Leben ist wie Fahrradfahren. Um die Balance zu halten, musst du in Bewegung bleiben."
Albert Einstein
Curves is a constantly growing series and also the latest from Christin Kirchner. Only brushes, spatulas and acrylic liners are used here. All lines and shapes are painted freehand and get their depth through a very complex technique. The artist works out the color areas created by her own intuition until the picture has an unmistakable contrast and a colorful appearance.
"Wir können andere Menschen nicht verändern, wir können sie nur lieben."
Christin Kirchner
The dynamic circles or spirals symbolize the different levels of consciousness that every person goes through in the course of their life. Every human being is in different phases of development and worldview at certain stages in his life. The presentation of these works of art is an abstract and free interpretation by Christin Kirchner.
Harmonious forms such as circles, curves and curves can also be found again and again in the artist's other works of art, as these trigger a strong feeling of harmony in her. The pictures are primarily created intuitively - the colors are applied layer by layer to a previously primed canvas with a brush and spatula. This, and last but not least, the choice of color creates strong contrasts and gives the picture a special depth.

"Die wichtigste Reise in unserem Leben ist die Reise nach innen."
Anaïs Nin
In this series, the artist has dealt with the topic of becoming aware - going from the outside in. With the reflection of your own thoughts, with your own growth, with your very own authenticity. It can be seen that the process of personality development has a strong influence on one's own clarity. Going from the outside in takes courage, but as a result is rewarded with a more fulfilling life.
Leaves, a series that was shaped by the artist's very special experiences and constitutes the bulk of her inspiration. Many emotional backgrounds and a recurring motif - the leaf. The artist's great connection to nature also plays a major role here. The series is constantly supplemented by images with an emotional background. Places that the artist has already discovered or special memories are taken up here. Only the name here and there provides information about the meaning of the work of art.

Swatches means color fields and can be found everywhere in this series. Color fields are worked out and get depth and clarity through their very own "technique" and let the picture appear alive. A strong build-up of color gives the images a beautiful structure. For days, many layers are applied and contrasted. The titles in this series are all musical titles of songs that Christin Kirchner hears during the painting process and that touch her deeply.
"Es gibt immer etwas, das du nicht siehst, etwas, das ich nicht sehe und etwas,
das wir beide nicht sehen."
Christin Kirchner
This series deals with abstract forms intuitively painted with acrylic paints. Some of these artworks owe their names to the obvious and others to the story behind the image.

The works of art in the Black Line series show themselves in the stark contrast of the black background and the colorful dynamics that are in the foreground here. The images have enormous power and were created in a time of change that the artist went through. The images come into their own perfectly on a light but also on a dark wall. The colors were applied in several layers by the artist and result in a deep 3D effect.

A completed series, which is also characterized by strong dynamics in the foreground and simultaneous restraint in the background. Soft transitions give the structured surfaces in the foreground a lot of space to work and thus support them. The colors were applied in several layers and result in a beautiful structure.